三傻英雄 ฮีโร่ต้มแซ่บ|2023

三傻英雄 ฮีโร่ต้มแซ่บ

电影介绍Movie Details
三傻英雄 ฮีโร่ต้มแซ่บ,英文名为ฮีโร่ต้มแซ่บ,是2023年上映的泰国喜剧电影。

During the seed harvest season in Ban Rabue Village, Ngern is responsible for collecting and storing seeds for the upcoming year. Unfortunately, a group of black-faced thieves attempt to steal the seeds, and Ngern unintentionally kills them. Wanting to avoid any trouble, Ngern, along with his two friends, sets out to find guns and bring them back to protect the village.



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